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Phillip S Thurston

Owner of Invictus International, who's passionate about traveling, sailing and rock climbing.


Below is my public OpenPGP key. If for any reason, you sign my key with yours, please upload the key to nearly any keyserver pool, and send me a copy to my primary email listed in the key.

216A EA0B F8FA 9449 93D2  2FE8 B9D3 2ED3 8962 EC64

Here’s my full public key from MIT.
Since MIT’s servers are hammered sometimes here it is at Openpgp as well.

This key was regenerated on 09/02/2017. Previous keys from 2007 and 2003 are no longer valid

What is a PGP, OpenPGP, GPG key?

All of them are essentially the same thing. They are used by governments, journalists, human rights groups and many others to make sure your emails, files and almost any other communication can only be seen by a single person/group. It is one of the most secure ways to communicate online. Read more at the Email Self-Defense page at the FSF or learn how to be truly safe at EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense Guide.